This is a WearOS watch app, and watch-face for Kite-surfers.The watch-face will immediately tell you how high was your last jump, and the highest jump you had the last session.* See in real time how high did you jumped!* Focus only on your technique, the watch will buzz you only when you have a new record.* Highly battery optimized algorithm with less battery drain.* Tested in the water WearOS 2.0 and WearOS 3.0 devices. * Optimized for Galaxy Watch 4/5.* Configuration app for setting your Kiter level (the jump algorithm is optimizing accordingly), resetting information, and syncing information to your smart phone and cloud.=============Please note, this is not a regular watch-face, its intended to be used for Kite- surfers only to measure the jump height, and should be set before the kite session only, and replaced back to your regular watch-face after the kite session.=============